Our Partners at Cosmo on Essential Oils vs. Cosmetic Grade Fragrances

Cosmo International Fragrances has been around for over 35 years, servicing high-end clients such as Tom Ford, Victoria Secret, and many more. They are a perfumery that focuses on custom design fragrances for perfumes, personal care products, home fragrances such as ours, and household items. All their products are IFRA approved and they strictly follow directives from REACH as well as CLP/GHS - all here to ensure the best quality products are safe to use for consumers. 
Adam Demu, Global Account Executive for Cosmo shed some light on essential oils and cosmetic grade fragrances. 
Are essential oils better than cosmetic grade fragrances? 
Essential Oils are oils obtained by a method of extraction of plant parts such as flowers, leaves, stems, roots etc. Its composition is equal to its natural property, which may contain allergens much like nuts and honey do. The primary use of these extracted oils is for perfumes, flavors and pharmaceutical preparations.
Cosmetic Grade fragrances are composed of ingredients called "Aroma Chemicals" which have a much wider range than Essential Oils. The ingredients of these fragrances are very controlled and regulated by the entity that regulates the aroma industry: IFRA (International Fragrance Associations). IFRA dictates that ingredients can be used in creating fragrances based on "safety" for products that are used.
Therefore, these fragrances composed of aroma chemicals may be safer than Essential Oils for certain people who are sensitive to nature.”
Thanks to our partnership with Cosmo, we’re able to create signature high quality scents that we know our customers will love. They even helped us create our most popular fragrance, Hope.  The highly favored scent is a mix of sweet rose and jasmine petals, followed by a soft mist of patchouli, ginger, and the earthiness of gurjun balsam and sandalwood. Our partnership also allows us to create custom fragrances for customers such as luxury condos, stores and more. We are proud to have a renowned, reliable company to help us give our customers the best quality products and to call our partner. 
When you purchase any of our Doctor Aromas products you know you’re getting the highest quality product possible. After all, our aromas come from the same place many designer fragrances are made. 
Click here to read more about our products and fragrances.

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