Staff Picks: The Secret to a Fresh Smelling Home, Holiday Favorites & More

At Doctor Aromas we don't just sell you product, we LOVE and stand behind our fragrances 100%. That's why we wanted to share our staff member's thoughts and opinions on our fragrances. We use our fragrances at home and at the office, but each staff member's perception and opinion is different. What better way to really get to know our fragrances than from the people who know and work with them most?

This month our Co-owner and Director of Sales and Marketing, Violeta Horne shares her favorite day-to-day and seasonal fragrances, experiences and more.

Q: What's your favorite fragrance at Doctor Aromas?

A: My favorite Doctor Aromas fragrance is SUCCESS. I enjoy the citrusy essence of it.

I love lemons and grapefruits and Verbena is my favorite tea and SUCCESS has all three of these. It is also one of the strongest aromas we carry. I love that because it allows me to feel it throughout the day using long intervals between sprays.

There are also some fragrances that are my favorites in certain settings. Caribbean Breeze at Ocean House, (one of the properties we service in Ocean Drive), is like a dream. The ocean view and white piano in the lobby mixed with the smell of tangerines, mint and jasmine gives one of the best ambiences I've experienced. Architecture and decoration play a big roll on how an aroma is perceived and vice versa.

Q: Do you use Doctor Aromas in your home?

A: YES. I always have a reed diffuser on my living room end table. I often choose grapefruit for this area. Thanks to all the citrus in the fragrance my house smells and feels clean everyday. I love how sharp and sour it smells. The aroma waves keep me alert and connected. I also have the system through the A/C, which I use a lot to try new fragrances before they are sent to production.

Q: Do you change your fragrances seasonally? For the holidays?

A: I really enjoy the holidays, I love the little twinkling lights in the city and the fresh cut pine scent of our seasonal fragrance.

I use the room spray atomizer of this aroma in my car. I also enjoy visiting clients during this time of the year, when we change their regular fragrance to the fresh cut pine that matches their decoration.

One time a property manager told me about the first time they changed the scent to the holiday scent was on the day before Thanksgiving. That same day, they brought a huge Christmas tree and put it up. The following days some residents commented how nice it was to have such a big natural tree that smelled so nice in the lobby. Of course, it was our aroma!

Some clients like to keep the same aroma all year round but changing at least two months a year is recommended. It helps clean your senses to really perceive the aroma better once you go back to the regular fragrance.

There are also some aromas that work better with the cold weather and some with the heat. When is very hot outside and you enter a very cold atmosphere, a sweet aroma like Honey Dew is priceless!

Q: What makes Doctor Aromas better than conventional air fresheners?

A: The sensation you get when you enter a space that is scented through the air is so different than the spotted scent that any air freshener, candle, incense provide. Distribution really does make a difference. While the focal systems place scent in the area our system provides an experience and it enhances your stay in the space.

Our aromas are high quality perfumes, made with cosmetic grade fragrances and essential oils. When you breathe in aroma from the "essential" oils it is widely believed to stimulate brain function providing psychological and physical well-being.

As I tell my clients, Doctor Aromas will not make you happy but it will make you feel better! You will love coming home.


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